
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Latest from our customer

Ordered by Zainatul from Brid3ofKayangan. 500 pcs single teabags. met her at Mid Valley to deliver the teabags and she was busy running errand for her wedding.a very hardworking bride i would say!;) congratulations sweetheart!:)


Ordered by Zana for her niece. Glad that she loved it! Can you see that our cutiey Hani here giving thumbs up? so cute!!!:)

What are you waiting for? Contact us NOW!

With love,
Mai, Oh Mai Wedding...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Latest Tea Bags

Tea Bags ordered by Puan Rafidah. Maybe for her grandchildren (twin).. Thank you for the order :)

Interested? Contact us Now!:)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Latest from our customer

Single chunky chocs ordered by Atia aka Cik Belle. Thank you for the order. What a sweet gal she is.:)

Interested? Contact us Now!:)